Tenant Spotlight: Brain Balance

Jul 21, 2022

Brain Balance, located in Eagle Marketplace at Eagle and Chinden, is a family-owned center providing programs that help children and adults with ADHD, academic issues, behavioral issues, neurological issues and high-functioning autism.

Brain Balance has been operating in Eagle Marketplace since 2013, two years before Alturas Capital Partners acquired the property in 2015. Kevin Walker and his wife, Amy, have owned and operated Brain Balance since the beginning of 2021. With backgrounds in exercise science and early childhood education, they decided to get involved with Brain Balance because they wanted to help others in the community.

Brain Balance focuses on primitive reflexes, reflex actions originating in the central nervous system that are exhibited by normal infants. Typically, people grow out of their primitive reflexes by the time they are two years old. Those who have not outgrown them exhibit behavioral, academic and neurological issues. At Brain Balance, they first test clients with these problems to see how strongly they exhibit certain primitive reflexes. Understanding these reflexes can lead to understanding the specific parts of the brain that have not developed properly. Based on the results of the testing, the next steps are to integrate physical exercises to help clients to grow out of primitive reflexes and ultimately eliminate them. Various areas of the brain are addressed, including processing, perception and bilateral synchronization (how the sides of your brain and body are coordinating). Over time, clients are able to correct these problems through Brain Balance programs.

The programs are tailored to the specific needs of the student, backed by science and research, and yield noticeable results. Kevin Walker said that the progress he sees over time with the kids and adults that are in these programs is eye opening. He mentioned that one of the more rewarding parts of his job is when the parents of the kids mention seeing grandparents over holidays. Grandparents and other relatives will comment about how different the child seems and how their behavior and attitude has improved so much, making the parents very happy with their child's progress that's witnessed by others as well.

Brain Balance anticipates exploring opportunities in the sports fields in the coming months/years and is looking to expand within the greater Treasure Valley and beyond.

500 E Shore Dr., Suite 120 , Eagle, ID 83616

500 E Shore Dr., Suite 120 , Eagle, ID 83616

500 E Shore Dr., Suite 120 , Eagle, ID 83616